Frequently Asked Questions

You and a therapist, or a phone consultant, will discuss any issues that you are currently looking to work on. This is also a good opportunity for you to ask any additional questions that you may have about our practice. At the end of the consultation, you and the consultant will decide what the next step will be with regards to therapy and services.

There is no specific time frame when working on personal development and growth. Depending on the type of changes that you are looking to make and the variety of issues that you are attempting to work on, therapy can last from a few sessions to much longer. Some find therapy to be extremely beneficial and choose to make it a long-term process.

We currently take Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross California, Oxford, United Health Care, Oscar Health, Cigna. We are also an out-of-network provider. Please also see the benefits of not using insurance below.

Although it might seem like a good idea to use your insurance for mental health benefits like therapy, there are benefits to NOT using insurance to cover therapy sessions.

  1. You don’t have to obtain a diagnosis on your health record. In some cases, individuals might meet criteria for a mental health diagnosis. In this case, obtaining a diagnosis is appropriate and it can be helpful to develop a better understanding of what is going on with the individual and develop an appropriate course of treatment. However, insurance companies require a diagnosis and treatment notes in order to bill for services and for the provider to be paid. That means this gives a lot more people access to private health information about you such as your insurance company, billing, etc. Yes, you agreed to this when you signed consents.

    But what if you don’t have a mental illness? We know that there are people who seek therapy for personal growth and development or exploration or need some helpful skills to get through a rough patch. These individuals may not meet criteria for a clinical diagnosis or have a serious mental illness. Unfortunately, your insurance company doesn’t see it this way. In their eyes, these are not valid reasons for seeking therapy on their dime. If you don’t have a diagnosis, they aren’t interested in paying for your sessions and will not continue to authorize future sessions.

    This puts your therapist in an awkward and ethically challenging position if you don’t truly meet the criteria for a mental illness and you want to use your insurance to pay for therapy sessions.

  2. Your treatment is not affected by how many sessions you utilize. Using your insurance can lead to higher insurance premiums or denial of insurance. If you decide to move forward with using your insurance to pay for therapy and your therapist assigns you a diagnosis so that your insurance company will authorize ongoing sessions, there may be unintended and overlooked consequences. Maybe you meet criteria for a diagnosis, maybe you don’t. What you need to understand is now you have a diagnosis on your health record with your insurance company.

    When it comes time to renew your health insurance or switch plans, your premiums could rise as a result of your “pre-existing condition” because now you are seen as requiring more services which takes from their profit.

    Did you know this may also interfere with your ability to obtain life insurance and disability insurance because of this “pre-existing condition.”

    In addition, in some cases you may have to disclose your diagnosis with a potential employer, such as jobs in security, government, and some other professions. That can feel like an invasion of privacy.

  3. Quality of services are compromised when you use your insurance. Your insurance benefits dictate how many sessions they will pay for, and you will receive. This means you and your therapist have less control and say so in how best to treat you based on your specific and individual needs.

    Unfortunately, the people who work in your insurance company that are deciding on which methods of therapy can be used, are typically not even therapists. You are a number for profit in managed care. They certainly haven’t met and assessed you personally like your therapist has.

Our fee range varies by service and provider. See each provider and service for the cost.

For clients who cannot afford our full fee for mental health therapy, we have a limited number of appointments available at a sliding scale. Our sliding scale is determined and decided on a case-by-case basis. Our sliding scale is based on financial needs, income, availability, and who you would like to see at the practice. To apply for our sliding scale please fill out our form HERE.

Sliding scale rates are approved for a duration of 2-3 months at a time. If at any point during that time your income situation changes, please communicate this to your therapist. After your rate expires, you will default back to the full fee unless you re-apply for a sliding scale and are approved. Generally, there is a limit to how many times sliding scale will be approved and you can expect to eventually default to the full fee. For this reason, we ask that you consider sliding scale a benefit that is intended to help you bridge a time of financial hardship, rather than a permanent change in your fee.

In the beginning of your session you and your practitioner will discuss what to expect and ask about what you are hoping to gain from the session. Your practitioner will ask if you are ok with light touch, such as on the arm or head. If you are not comfortable or have any injuries, please let your practitioner know. Also, please inform your practitioner of any health conditions. After your discussion you will lay on a massage table, get comfortable and relax. You are fully clothed the entire session. Then your practitioner will perform the reiki energy therapy. Your practitioner may use other tools during the session like essential oils, crystals, rattle, or a drum. Please let your practitioner know if you are sensitive to any of these tools or allergic to essential oils.

Yes! Under the shop tab you may purchase a long distance reiki energy therapy session.

Long distance Reiki is just as effective as in-person as time, energy, and space have no bound. Reiki is sent energetically across time and space to the client or intended person. Long distance Reiki also offers the convenience of not having to go anywhere or fit into a schedule.

After your purchase, you will receive an email from us. Your session will be completed over the next two weeks, and once it’s completed your practitioner will send you a Reiki Healing Analysis report. If you would like to know a more specific time frame just send me an email and I will let you know.

You don’t need to do anything to prepare for your session. In your Reiki Healing Analysis, your practitioner will give you recommendations on how to care for yourself after the session is completed.

You may cancel or reschedule your session prior to your scheduled appointment. A 24-hour notice is required to avoid being charged and to receive a full refund. Refunds are processed 1-3 business days. If it is after 24-hours you will be charged the full price of the session and will not receive a refund.

Please give us a call, or email us at hello@soulremedywellness. If you are having technical difficulties with the Jane app platform please contact Jane support at 1-844-310-JANE (5263)

Start your healing today